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Friday, June 25, 2010

Causes are Cool!

Being an activist is not only good for your self-esteem and confidence, but it's good for others, which is sexy! It's THE ultimate style statement, championing causes that you care about. 

If you're on Facebook (and don't lie, I know you are!), then check out these causes:

Dove Self Esteem Fund -  The funds go to the same organization as Pledge of Empowerment listed below (Step Up Women's Network), but I cannot stress the importance of raising self-esteem issues in young women. Their "Campaign for Real Beauty" is all about celebrating the unique beauty inherent in all of us! What's more awesome than that?!

Pledge of Empowerment - Bayer is donating up to $50,000 ($1 per person who joins the cause) to Step Up Women's Network to help create opportunities for young women, and celebrate the advances to women's rights since the introduction of the Pill 50 years ago. AWESOME.

Boycott BP -  This oil spill is the most fucked up shit I can imagine, and BP has handled the whole thing HORRIBLY. I've always been an environmentalist (I started a neighborhood recycling club when I was in the 5th grade), but since this wretched disaster, I've tried to be extra conscious of wasting energy lately. Boycott these assholes and their subsidiaries! This Cause has shockingly few members, so join up!

Stop Global Warming - In this vein, join The Alliance for Climate Protection's cause!! I think this one is self-explanatory.

Feel Your Boobies Foundation - Gotta join just for the name! Breast cancer awareness is this cause's thing. I hope it's yours too!

For more on Facebook Causes, click here! And... happy non-profiting!! ;-)


  1. Great post! well done it is such a great idea to raise awareness ;)

  2. Thanks! :-) I hope I recruit some folks to some of these Causes!

  3. why whould you wish to be blonde i bet that little girl on the photo doesnt realize that she is so much prettier then most blondes her age anyways the girl who won the prize of the prettiest lady in the world was a asian brunette or black haired ! btw its a really good idea to raise awareness
