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Thursday, July 22, 2010

I want to *be* Marion Cotillard!

No, seriously. Just got my hair chopped so that I can emulate her in July's Vogue. It *sort of* looks like this, right? 

She's just so fabulously awesome! I also want her wardrobe in the Vogue spread. I am IN LOVE with that Nina Ricci get-up!

And speaking of Marion, if you have not yet seen INCEPTION, go see it. Here's the thing: I really liked it. It's absolutely visually stunning, the concept is interesting, and the performances (Ms. Cotillard especially!) are really top-notch.

I do NOT think it's a perfect film  - at least a half hour could be cut from it, the ending is trite, and it doesn't feel as original to me as everyone is raving it to be (a little too Vanilla Sky meets The Matrix, perhaps).

However, it is one of the best films I've seen this summer, and as much as I enjoy a good action and/or kid's blockbuster film, it's nice to have something a little more intellectually-driven. And hellllllllllo, Tom Hardy!! Hope we'll be seeing a LOT more of him in the near future.

But, back to Marion. ;-)

She's an Oscar-winning actress (if you haven't seen La Vie En Rose, well... I can't talk to you ;-)), a fabulous singer (have you seen her in Nine?!), and apparently a foodie. Gotta love that. And she has class in abundance.

Who *wouldn't* want to be Marion?!


  1. Ha! I am French so I totally rooting for my fellow froggie ;)I loved her in La Vie En Rose, she was awesome. I like her classic style...very chic.
    And Tom Hardy is just YUMMY!!

    I will probably see Inception this weekend, am looking forward to it!

  2. LOL! Awesome! I think she's amazing.

    Definitely see Inception - I hope you like it! :-)

  3. I saw it and I loved it! I need to see it again though just to make sure i got everything right. Plus the man candy in it is unbelievable ^^

  4. Completely agree on the man candy! ;-) Glad you liked the film.
